Jaw pain or temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) pain is a condition that often ends up in front of a dentist. However, this blog will explore and help those suffering with jaw pain. Furthermore, it will highlight the benefits of seeing an experienced TMD trained Physiotherapist specialist to resolve this troublesome condition.
What is TMD?
TMD refers to “Temporo-Mandibular Disorder” which is the collection of symptoms from the jaw/ TMJ and the muscles involved in its movement.

TMD is arguably just as common as back pain! Research suggests that 1:3 people will experience symptoms of TMD/ jaw pain at some point in their life. That is huge!
And why it this so important to me?
Well, symptoms can be so debilitating for patients! Think about it, we use our jaw in almost all social interactions, creating facial expressions, talking, eating etc. So, any limitation or pain can really impact us day to day.
TMD management is not an area of Physio that is taught in great depth during Physio school, which is utter MADNESS! It’s my opinion that Physios should be the primary practitioners treating this condition.
TMD presentations are primarily a musculoskeletal condition (involving muscle and skeleton) and all Physios are equipped with the skills to assess, treat and manage musculoskeletal conditions! We have the skills in assessment of joint movements, have keen observational skills to measure range of movement, movement quality and resting posture, we have the ‘hands-on’ techniques to treat joints and muscles AND are experienced in providing patient education.
More importantly, research suggests Physio is highly effective in treating patients with jaw pain and TMD symptoms! We also provide non-invasive and cost-effective treatment when compared with splinting therapy; treatment is reversible, unlike surgery, so why wouldn’t you head to a Physio first before considering these!?
I feel it’s important to add here, that almost ALL patients will see improvement in their symptoms within 6 weeks. With the right advice and an experienced clinician, jaw pain begone!
Signs and symptoms of TMD?
When the TMD becomes a problem, patients will present with a combination of 2 or more of the following symptoms;
- in the muscles of the face, particularly around the mouth
- with jaw movement, ie. with chewing, singing, talking
- with subconscious jaw movement (known as parafunction) such as sleep
- bruxism, clenching with stress etc
Additional Pain
- headaches near the temples
- ear ache (in the absence of a medical explanation)
- neck pain
Altered jaw movement
- restricted mouth opening
- movement to one side with opening
- movement to one side followed by a corrective ‘S’ shaped movement
- excessive jaw opening +/- apprehension
- A jaw that locks.
These symptoms are often temporary and DO NOT signal a serious problem. Meaning they should get better with physio!
If you are sitting reading this blog and are recognising any of the symptoms above, you should consider a trip to Physio on the Green for a professional assessment and individualised treatment program.
In the meantime, here’s some tips to help reduce jaw pain;
- See a skilled physio!
- Try limit chewing gum and hard foods if you have pain
- Set an alarm on your phone at regular intervals, to remind you not to clench
- Aim for 8 hours of restful sleep – reducing caffeine, alcohol and blue light (phone and laptop) stimulus 3 hours before bed will help.
- Try this gentle massage technique – circular motion. Three times a day for 2 minute.