Running Analysis

Your Passion is Ours
Our running analysis service caters from recreational runners to elite athletes. We specialise in running-related injuries. We take a detailed running history, perform a thorough biomechanical assessment, and analyse your running on a treadmill. The aim is to reduce your injury risk, improve performance and become a more robust runner.
Did you know that up to 79% of runners will experience a running-related injury of the lower limbs. Some injuries are traumatic but the vast majority are overuse injuries. The most commonly injured area is the shin and knee. Running injuries are typically related to previous injuries, incomplete rehabilitation of old injuries, and an increase in running volumes. The most common anecdotal evidence we see is the lack of robustness in the runner to cope with the demands of running on the body with the increase in running volumes.
Injury Risk | Performance | Robustness
Reduce Injury Risk
By performing a detailed musculosketeal assessment in combination with your running analysis we will be able to better understand your running metrics. By using evidence based methods, we can manipulate your foot strike and running stride rate to reduce injury risk. Evidence suggests that runners could become more efficient by up to 21%, thus lasting longer.
Increase Performance
There are many intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence the performance of a runner. Such as work capacity, range of motion deficits, muscular strength, and endurance capabilities. Our overall goal, is the reduce ground reaction forces (GRF), by using various data points, in an effort to increase efficiency and performance.
A Robust Runner
The pillars of a running analysis, is one that encompasses all elements of our assessment, your individual goals and rehabilitation program. The aim is to make you a more robust runner by reducing your injury risk, improving your performance and becoming a better runner from where you started.
A Comprehensive Running Assessment

1. Biomechanical and Injury Screening
The initial process starts off with a history taking of your running, accounting for current or previous injuries. We then perform a detailed biomechanical assessment in the treatment room.

2. Treadmill Analysis
Once we have a firm understanding of you the athlete and your injuries. We then use 3D motion capture software to video and analyse your running style. We look at various data points such as running metrics that include cadence, pace, speed, vertical oscillation and power.

3. Shoe Analysis
We analyse your running shoes and your feet, both on and off the treadmill. It is here we analyse wear patterns, and whether your running shoe is suitable for running style or injury. We will also be able to recommend the correct shoe to match your foot type and running discipline using our running shoe matrix.

4. Running Rehabilitation
By the end of your assessment and anaylsis. We will provide you with a bespoke running rehabilitation program using our rehabilitation software application. As part of your rehabilitation, you may also be given running metrics to improve your running, running based drills, and exercises to improve your running robustness.
Meet Our Team
At Physio On The Green, we are passionate about running and know how important it is to the people we work with. We have the unique skillset as physiotherapists of the understanding of biomechanical assessments and running related injuries, couple that with running analysis, our athletes will be getting an elite level service.
We have completed external running courses and seminars to stay on top of the latest developments in running research. Therefore, our runners will be getting the latest in the technological advances, biomechanical and running shoe developments.